Thursday, September 6, 2007

Parking Lot Blues

I've got the blues, and I can't take it anymore.

It only seems to happen every Fall semester. The parking situation at SJSU becomes unbearable. I am a patient man, but after two hours, it starts to become ridiculous. The structure is setup in a way in which you have no choice but to show up hours earlier just to obtain a parking spot. This was a lesson that I've learned the hard way this semester. Unfortunatley, I have been late to almost every class.

Who do you place the blame upon? Well I have an idea whose fault it is. They are known as Freshmen. As they come in every Fall, fresh from High School graduation, they infest the parking lots. I would love to see a percentage of just how many Freshmen use the parking garages. I am sure that it is a pretty high percentage. There should only be a limited amount of parking permits allowed to Freshmen. They need to "pay their dues" that first year, and let the Seniors have priority. Then, one day, if they manage to ever become a Senior, they can do the same to their Freshmen. Sounds fair to me, but that is not where the parking drama ends.

Let us not forget the gasoline that goes to waste as one is making their rounds in the parking structure. After two hours or so, I waste close to a quarter tank of gasoline just looking for a spot. Also, the hounding of the pedestrians as they walk to their cars in the lot. The constant asking of "Hey are you leaving?", only to have them give you a smug look and hand you rejection. Then they get in their car, almost gloating about their parking spot, as they eat their bagel and sip their coffee. You couldn't drink your overpriced beverage on campus? You had to walk all the way back to your car, just to eat a damn bagel?

The road rage that builds up due to actions like that is something most people can relate to. It almost becomes barbaric, as people steal spots from others and tensions run high. I can say that after a rejection, I have had awful thoughts about those people. If you want to give me a smug look, that's fine. I will remember your face, and the next time you need a spot, you're going to get the finger.

I paid two hundred dollars for a parking permit that I can't use.

Folks, I've got the parking lot blues, and quite frankly, I can't take it anymore.

Public transportation, here I come.

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